Thursday, July 22, 2010

I Would Post More Tomorrow, But I'll be Heckabusy

Heckabusy - adj An imagined level of extreme busyness

There's only one more day left in the pledge drive, and if you wait to call,
the phones will be heckabusy.
- NPR Host


  1. Heckabusy seems to be a chronic condition and a factor of Western culture. Even elders are hecakabusy, but don't know how or why. Might you ask Picasso & Vincent, the party dogs? Dad

  2. HIIIII I was asked to answer a party blog question about being busy and so I was thinking and then I had to go walk and I sniffed and sniffed and sniffed and I smelled rain and feet and pine trees and then I came home and Picasso said "GRRRRr" and I said "Neener! I have the TOY and it's a nice TOY and it's MINE MINE MINE!" and then we did "This is NOT a Dog Track!" Running and then Picasso had to take a nap and I did too!
    - Vincent
